Taking into account the establishment of the emergency state on the territory of Romania, and in the European states in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and the authorities’ provisions to avoid the risks of the contamination at the events that involve the participation of several persons, the Executive Office of AROENd decides today, the 03.04.2020 the postponement of the XXVII Edition of the International ARoENd Symposium planned for June 17-19, 2020 at Mamaia, Constanta County until the cessation of the emergency state and of the risk for COVID 19 infection.

The final decision with the date and place of the XXVII Edition of the ARoENd International Symposium will be established by the ARoENd Steering Committee according to the evolution of the world and national health situation and will be communicated 60 days before the date set for the XXVII International ARoENd Symposium

We express our gratitude for your understanding and patience regarding this unprecedented situation.

We greatly appreciate the intention of the specialists, exhibitors and other persons to participate to the XXVII Edition of the ARoENd International Symposium and we are looking forward to meet them at this postponed edition hoping they will keep on beeing  interested by our event

ARoENd Executive Section