2nd European NDT & CM Days in Prague, 4.10 – 07.10.2021

4.10 – 07.10.2021, Prague/Czech Republic


Conference language: English

Description: ENDT & CM Days will consist of – 11th workshop NDT in Progress, Int. Conf. NDE & CM for Safety, 51st annual CNDT, Conf. Defectoscopy 2021 and NDT & CM Expo.

During these days you can visit four different events at the Cubex Congress centre Prague. It will be an exceptional opportunity to meet people interested in

research & development, as well as in practice, standardization and the application of all NDT/NDE, CM and SHM methods with an emphasis on areas of modern Industry.

Czech Society for NDT

* from http://www.efndt.org/Services/Calendar