Certification Department

An independent qualification and certification body as per SR EN ISO/CEI 17024:2012 that performs the qualification and certification of personnel in nondestructive testing under SR EN ISO 9712:2022

Accredited by RENAR – Certified PS 012/2019 and ON 059/2017

ARoENd addresses:

7 Şoldanului Street, block 137, sc.A, ap.4, sector 4, 042042 Bucharest
Tel/fax: +4021 332 58 43
Mobil: +40740 065 973
E-mail: ego_adrian@yahoo.comaroend@aroend.ro
Web: www.aroend.ro

Executive President:

Phys. Eng. Cezar Petru Ardeleanu Blaga
phone: +40730 050 658
e-mail: cezar.ardeleanu2000@gmail.com

Director DC – ARoENd:

Eng. Gabriela Barbulescu
phone: +4 0723 143 643
e-mail: gbbarbulescu68@gmail.com