Art.1 Name
The Romanian Association of Non-Destructive Examinations is a juridical entity, without a lucrative purpose, a professional and scientific, non-governmental and independent organization.
The abbreviated name of the association is ARoENd.
Art.2 Period of time
The association operates for an unlimited period of time. Its activity ceases under the conditions stipulated in Romania’s Government Order no.26/2000.
Art.3 Headquarters
The association headquarters is located in Bucharest, at 7, Soldanului St., bl.137, sc.A, ap.4, sector 4.
The association would be able to set up subsidiaries of the association by the legalized decision of the association’s general assembly.
Subsidiaries are entities with juridical personality, being able to conclude, in their own name, juridical documents for administration and preservation, under the conditions established by the association in the document for the subsidiary setting up.
For a better coordination of various activities, the management committee can to establish the setting up of some departments, which will operate by observing the provisions of statute, according to procedures approved by the management committee.
Art.4 Purpose
The purpose of the association is to promote and to protect in Romania the activity of non-destructive examinations in Romania, as well as the promotion of the national and international labour, hygiene and environment protection norms by all the members of the association.
Art.5 Objective
In order to achieve the proposed objective, the association will carry out the following activities:
- provides the framework for the achieving the experience and information exchange in the field of non-destructive examinations, for all the members of the association;
- encourages the development of the scientific and technical research in the field of non-destructive examinations, which is done by public and private research bodies and in different companies, contributing to its popularization;
- obtains, systematizes and spreads by all adequate means of the results of the non-destructive examination studies, researches and technologies;
- defines and endorses the qualification and certification system for the non-destructive examination personnel competence;
- organizes the training and forming of the personnel for non-destructive examinations (by theoretical courses, practical training, etc.) according to the provisions in the national and international regulations of the domain;
- certifies the personnel for non-destructive examinations according to the provisions in the national and international regulations of the domain;
- certifies the non-destructive laboratories according to the national and international regulations of the domain;
- organizes the national and international events concerning the non-destructive examinations (exchanges of experience, table talks, conferences, symposia, congresses, exhibitions for equipment, materials and specific accessories, etc.);
- sends the calendar for the technical and scientific events in the field of non-destructive examinations organized in Romania to the similar associations and to the international bodies (ICNDT and EFNDT);
- assures the cooperation relationships among the association members and the concerned companies and bodies (the state power bodies, the standardization association, users, equipment manufacturers, service performers, bodies for the personnel qualification and training, research laboratories, etc.);
- prepares the Romanian participation abroad in the events in the field of non-destructive examinations;
- concludes cooperation and mutual recognition agreements with similar foreign organizations;
- rintroduces NDT specialists and technical assistance on a contract basis, at the requests of the country and from abroad for:· performing non-destructive examinations;· drawing up/issuing technologies;· issuing and/or checking working procedures;· theoretical and/or practical training in the field;· any other activities concerned with the non-destructive examinations;
- publishes a periodical magazine and other periodicals in the field of non-destructive examinations.
Art.6 Assets
The association assets consists of the registration fee, the dues of the association’s members, donations, sponsorships, fees for the participation of the technical and scientific events organized by the association, resources obtained from the state budget and/or from the local budgets, interests and dividends resulted from investing the available amounts, as per the legal conditions, the dividends from the commercial societies set up by the association, other incomes stipulated by the law.
The association can accept cash donations or charity (magazines, specialized books, non-destructive examination equipment, audio and video devices, etc.) not being in conflict to the association purposes.
The monetary means are being in order to meet the association purposes, the management bodies being responsible for the legal use of the monetary and material means belonging to the association.
Art.7 Dues
The amount of the registration fee and dues is established periodically by the management committee.
Art.8 ARoENd can set up commercial entities.
The dividends resulted from the activity of these commercial entities are sole used in order to meet the association aim.
ARoENd can carry out any direct commercial activities, if the latter have accessory character and are closely related with the main goal of the association.
THE ASSOCIATION MEMBERS consist of the following consistency:
Art.10 Categories of Members
The association includes active members, supporting members and honour members.
Art.11 Active Members
Any person, with specialized studies in the field of non-destructive examinations, who accepts the association statute and who carries out in time his/her duties in the statute, can be an active member.
The acceptance as an active member of the association is done by the management committee, on basis of a recommendation from two active members or from one member of the management.
The refusal of the management committee to receive an active member can be contested at the general assembly of the association.
The active members cannot belong to other associations or to associations which carry out similar activities with ARoENd.
The active members have the following rights:
- to participate in the works of the general assembly and to be elected in the association management bodies;
- to contribute to the association publications;
- to participate in the association activities under the conditions established by the management committee for each activity separately.
The active members have the following obligations:
- to observe the association statute;
- to respond to the management committee’s requests concerning the participation in certain activities organized by the association;
- to pay the dues on time.
Art.12 The Associate Members
Any person, with specialized studies in the field of non-destructive examinations, a foreign citizen or one living abroad, who admits the association statute and who carries out his/her duties in the statute, can be an associate member.
Any person, an Romanian or a foreign citizen, interested in the subjects of the non-destructive examinations, who admits the association statute and who carries out his/her duties in the statute, can also be an associate member.
The association members do not havr right to vote in the association general assemblies and do not have right to be elected in the management bodies, benefiting from the other rights stipulated for the active members.
The obligations of the associate members are similar to those of the active members.
The acceptance as an associate member is done by the association management committee.
The refusal to receive an associate member can be contested at the general assembly.
Art.13 Expelling
The active members and the associate members may be expelled from the association, based on a decision of the management committee, for not having fulfilled the statutory duties.
One may contest the expelling decision, at the general assembly, within 60 days from the notification of the management committee’s decision.
Art.14 Supporting members
Any juridical person in Romania and abroad who agrees with the association statute and interests, and who pays an annual dues, can be a supporting member.
The amount of the dues is periodically established by the association management committee .
The acceptance as a supporting member is done by the management committee .
The withdrawal of the quality as a supporting member is done by the management committee.
The refusal of acceptance as a supporting member, as well as the expelling decision, may be contested at the general assembly, within 60 days from the notification.
Art.15 Honour Members
The title of an honour member is given by the association general assembly to the physical Romanian and foreign persons who have distinguished themselves by the scientific activity carried out in the field of non-destructive examinations, by special merits and original contributions to the introduction and application of non-destructive examinations in Romania, by training specialists in the field and by the special support given to the association.
The association may choose, from among the honour members, an honour president, a position without decisional attributions.
THE ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT consist of the following:
Art.16 The Management Bodies
The association management bodies are the following:
- the general assembly;
- the management committee;
- the executive section.
Art.17 The General Assembly
The general assembly is the supreme body of the association, consisting of the association active members.
The general assembly has the following attributions:
- establishes the strategy and the general objectives of the association;
- approves, at the proposal of the management committee, the annual activity program of the association;
- chooses and revokes the members of the management committee;
- approves the income and expense budget and the balance sheet;
- changes the constitutive act and the statute;
- judges the legal contests concerning the decisions of the management committee;
- establishes the setting up of subsidiaries;
- can decide the termination and the liquidation of the association, as well as the destination of goods which remained after liquidation;
- appoints and revokes the association censors.
The convening of the association general assembly is done by the management committee or at the request of at least 1/5 of the number of the association active members, addressed to the management committee.
The convocation will indicate the place, the date, the time and the agenda.
The participation at the general assembly is done through delegates, the representation proportion being of 1/20.
The delegates are suggested by the management committee for the representation of the active members situated in a county, or where the representation proportion is not met, in two or more counties.
The acknowledgement of the delegate is done in writing to the management committee, by the active members in the respective county. By not sending the position as to the suggestion of the management committee is considered an agreement with the suggestion made.
In the situation an opposition is shown towards the management committee’s suggestion, the proposed person is considered designated if he/she meets the favourable agreement of 50% plus 1 of the representatives, the votes of those persons who did not answer to the suggestion being also taken into calculation.
The notification of the proposals for delegates being done by a registered mail, with receiving acknowledgement.
The management committee establishes in the notification the term for the confirmation of the delegate suggestion.
The chosen delegates exercise the representation mandate for 3 years.
For the situations in which the delegate cannot participate, from particular reasons, an alternate member is nominated at the general assembly, concomitantly with the titular delegate, who will replace the titular in his/her absence.
All the delegates have an equal right to vote.
The members of the management committee participate in the vote, with an equal right with that of the delegates.
The decisions of the association general assembly are taken in the presence of the delegates’ absolute majority (50% plus 1), with simple majority.
In case of not meeting the necessary quorum, at the second round, the decisions are taken with absolute majority of the people present members, irrespective of their number.
The management committee’s members will not be able to participate in the vote for the problems concerning directly their activity (the approval of the annual program of activity, the approval of the income and expense budget and of the balance sheet, the judgment of the contestations concerning the refusal of acceptance in the association or the expelling).
The general assembly take place once a year, or whenever it is necessary, and it has the right of permanent control over the management committee and over the censor committee.
Art.18 The Management Committee
It is chosen by the association general assembly for 3 years and it consists of 9 members.
The management committee’s members are chosen among the association active members and they are re-eligible.
Persons who have positions in the administration or have participation in the capital share of other companies concurrent with ARoENd, as concerns the non-destructive examinations, cannot be members in the management committee.
The management committee has the following attributions:
- draws up the draft for the annual program of the association activity and submits it for approval to the general meeting;
- draws up the income and expense budget and the balance sheet and submits it for approval to the general assembly;
- concludes cooperation agreements with physical and juridical entities or hires personnel, by observing the legal provisions, in order to achieve the objectives of the association;
- approves the organization chart and the personnel policy of the association;
- convenes the general assembly according to the statute provisions;
- carries out the decisions of the association general assembly.
The management committee represents the association in all the acts of its juridical life, and conforms to the statute and to the decisions of the general assembly.
The management quarterly and whenever it is necessary.
The decisions of the management committee are taken in the presence of its members’ absolute majority, with simple majority.
Art.19 The Executive Section
The management committee chooses an executive body, made up of three persons, from among its members.
The management committee chooses an Executive President and a Vice-President from among the three members of the executive body.
The executive body carries out, between the meetings of the management committee, the attributions of the latter, assuring the operative management of the association activity.
The executive body informs about the solved issues at the meetings of the management committee.
The decisions of the executive section are taken in the presence of its members’ absolute majority, with simple majority.
CENSORS consist of following:
Art.20 Censors
The economic and financial activity of the association is checked by the three censors of the association chosen by the general assembly for a three years’ mandate. The censors are re-eligible.
The censor committee checks the way the association assets is administered, draws up the reports and submits them to the general assembly. They can participate in the meetings of the management committee without a right to vote.
FINAL DISPOSITIONS, consist of the following:
Art.21 Termination, Liquidation
The dissolution and liquidation of the association is done according to the provisions of the Government Order no.26/2000.